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The New Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling is Finally Here!

Introducing The Lutronic Genius Radiofrequency Microneedling, a device that precisely delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy to the deep tissue underneath the skin. Very fine needles are used to penetrate into the dermis while protecting the top layer of skin, known as the epidermis. The needles then deliver a precise amount of thermal energy to create controlled zones of micro-injuries. This ultimately results in the improvement of the skin through new elastin and collagen production to heal these micro-injuries. This treatment is safe for all skin types and can be done speedily and without any downtime. Genius also uses an intelligent handpiece which analyzes the skin as it passes, allowing for changes in needle penetration depending on thickness or texture.

Why is Lutronic Genius RF Micro needling different?

What sets this treatment apart is that it’s safe on all skin types and has been the most effective device on acne scarring compared to other ablative, non-ablative lasers, and other RF devices. Genius penetrates heat deeper with the micro-needles, which leads to more tightening and lifting compared to other devices.

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What does it do?

Treat scarring

Scars are the result of excess skin tissue after trauma, and many people try to conceal their appearance through makeup and scar creams. However, scar creams are only useful for a particular type of scar, where Genius is suitable for every type of scarring. The procedure is especially useful for acne scarring, Microneedling RF treatments remove damaged skin and prompt your body to heal and revise the scar tissue. Lutronic Genius RF is the most advanced fractionated radiofrequency therapy for scar revision.

Restore youthfulness

Dehydration, sun, and habits like smoking and alcohol can slow down collagen production as you age, causing your skin to sag and wrinkle. A Genius treatment uses microneedling to penetrate your inner layer of skin, where radiofrequency will heat damaged skin cells, stimulating your body’s healing process. With Genius, you can reduce sagging skin, wrinkles and lines across your face.The result is smooth, glowing skin and a tighter jawline that takes years off your appearance.

Reduce stretch marks

Stretch marks are the result of a rapid change in your body’s shape. Many patients have stretch marks after puberty, giving birth, or weight loss or gain. Some people are more prone to stretch marks than others because of differences in hormone levels and genetics. However, anyone with stretch marks can improve the look of their skin with Genius RF as it is safe to use on all areas of the body. For this reason, many patients use it to reduce or eliminate stretch marks on their thighs, arms, or chest.

Stretch marks are the result of a rapid change in your body’s shape. Many patients have stretch marks after puberty, giving birth, or weight loss or gain. Some people are more prone to stretch marks than others because of differences in hormone levels and genetics. However, anyone with stretch marks can improve the look of their skin with Genius RF as it is safe to use on all areas of the body. For this reason, many patients use it to reduce or eliminate stretch marks on their thighs, arms, or chest.

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At Inder Aesthetics, we are here to make sure every one of our clients leaves in their best version. Our team is dedicated to helping our clients get the skin they have always wanted with minimal pain and downtime.

Would you like to know more?

Schedule A Free Consultation Now
Alternatively you can give us a call at +60379321818

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