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5 Common Skin Care Myths

We have heard so many different versions of the same natural remedy especially when it comes to skincare. Everyone wants to look their Sunday’s best, so we take it all in. With a myriad of skin-myths out there, how to know if its actually true? These are 5 common skin myths, all BUSTED!

1.Your skin will age just like your mother’s!

This is the commonest of myth of it all. It is true that genetic factors do influence the type, pigments and texture of skins; however, this is easily modifiable. Targeted treatment modality and skincare rituals that is customized to address skin problem would ensure skin to stay supple for almost forever! Skin damage are multifactorial- sun exposure, personal habits, quality of dietary intake, and skin care merely scratches the surface when it comes to skin-cyclopedia. Effective treatments such as Microdermabrasion not only reduces age spots, fine lines by resurfacing the skin but it also works as a great exfoliant.

2.Sunscreen alone is enough to combat sun damage.

We all know how important it is to apply SPF when it’s sunny outside. But is suntan the only damage by sun exposure? Although invisible to the naked eye, prolonged exposure ultimately leads to signs of skin aging – wrinkles, fines lines, age spots, and loose skin. Thus, skin rejuvenation therapy such as laser treatment should be supplemented along with daily sun protection to flaunt your desired skin.
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Sunscreen with adequate SPF such as Heliocare 360 available at Klinik Dr Inder

3.Skin only starts aging at your 40’s

Age old saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is the mantra when it comes to skin. Once you have fine lines and wrinkles, it is difficult to get rid of them (though not impossible). Technically, skin is always aging and starts as early as 25 years of age! Improving microcirculation by enriching the skin with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can readily reduce age spots and skin texture even after the very first treatment. The healing factors in PRP repairs and rejuvenates the skin and in turn reverses ageing of skin.

4.Stronger the skincare product, the better the skin

We all love our coffees and men strong, but is it necessarily better when it comes to skin care rituals? The answer is a huge NO. We all have different skin types at different areas of our skin. Oil and sebum secretion differ tremendously for different types of skin. Aesthetic doctors would perform an extensive skin analysis to ensure the skin care is tailor made for each individual that meets the demand of the skin. Moisturizer, cleanser, toner, scrub, sunscreen, eye cream, night cream and the list go on and on. 

5.Aesthetics services cost a bomb!

Most aesthetics clinics offer an array of services at competitive costs that is within your budget. Some even ease it up by providing options of zero interest credit instalments. Or simply meet renown aesthetic physicians for a free consultation today.
You are right when you think it is not a rule for all. Well it may be just a myth to many, to some it may hold a strand of truth. The best way to know what is needed to do justice by your skin is to definitely speak to experts.
Written by:
Dr Vaishnevi Thanaseharan
Klinik Dr Inder

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