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Intralesional Steroid is a treatment option for Keloid scars, an exaggerated scarring that extends beyond the margins of the scar along with hyperpigmentation. As the excessive cell matrix forms, the scar too grows and grows. These scars can not be excised readily and need to be treated with steroid and some laser adjunct repeatedly for optimal results.

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The steroid injections are mixed with local anesthetic drugs to provide and a pain-free experience and administered using tiny needles into the scar. Following which the scar is shone with fractional CO2 laser light for ‘surface re-polishing’.


How it works?

Specifically given to treat keloid scars. These scars are due to aggressive and excessive healing causing the scars to extend beyond the original injury. This injection once given reduces inflammation. This works best with an adjunct laser therapy.

Who should do it ?

Those who suffer from keloid scars and hypertrophic scars.

Is it safe?

This is a safe and KKM approved procedure for treatment of keloid.

How soon can I see the results?

Keloid scars generally take longer to disappear, usually 6 sessions are required. However this differs from one individual to another and also the size of scar itself.