Aesthetic News at Klinik Dr Inder, with Professional Doctors that is Datuk Dr Inder (DPSM), and Dr V will talk about latest information that we need to know about Aesthetic. Besides, This site will cover ‘Live Discussion’ and Article Post. Explore more on this site because we will keep updated from time to time.
Most trending on aesthetic treatment now a days is fillers, but don’t forget about laser hair removal, because most of the time they are also done laser hair removal treatment. In term of technology and how these aesthetic trends change from time to time were discussed by Datuk Dr Inder (DPSM) and Dr. V.
Why go through the trouble of treating acne scars? Is it only about looks?
Whether you’re an adult or a parent of a teenager, deciding how to treat acne scars may be a stressful and difficult process. Acne scar
What to consider when choosing products for rosacea?
Rosacea causes the face to get red, seem flushed, and may show spider veins, tiny pustules, or dry patches. Other times, rosacea may manifest as
What the Two Common Baldness Patterns Reveal About Your Health
Are you seeing less hair in the mirror after you wash or comb through your hair? You’re not alone! Over 80% of men and 50%

What Should I Do to Get Ready for My FUE Hair Transplant?
Products claiming to thicken or regenerate hair have become increasingly common in recent years. The truth is that most of these beauty aids don’t live up to their claims.
What Separates Weight Loss From Body Contouring?
A lot of people appear to think that exercising and following a healthy diet are preferable to body reshaping procedures, according to comments we’ve received
What Difference Does a FUE Hair Transplant Make to Your Crown?
One of the most common causes of hair loss in males, male pattern baldness, affects both the crown and the hairline. However, as a result